Video is another important part of introducing an organization or brand on the Internet, and every company should have an introductory or promotional video of itself. Users connect more with videos, so if you want to increase the trust of your audience, you should start using promotional videos to your advantage.
Here are some good tips for you. Take advantage of our services, advertising teaser, making advertising teaser, making motion graphics, making and designing logomotion and making animation. Making promotional videos is a valuable service with high results in digital marketing.
What is Motion Graphics or Motion Graphics? What are the types of motion graphics?
Videos that convey the message and content in motion are motion. The word Motion is translated into dynamic Persian and is called anything that has motion.
Content transfer with this method has many advantages. Among other things, the content can be presented to the audience in a more effective and attractive way in a shorter time.
Motion can be displayed offline and online on PC and mobile on websites and software that can display video.

Types of motion graphics
There are videos in which real space is filmed and reports information. In real video, graphic designs are not used much, and the main focus and burden of message transmission is on video, audio, voice and editing.
These motions are a combination of filming and graphics, which are mainly used in addition to increasing the attractiveness to display information that can not be provided with video
Stop motion is a technique for making real objects. In this way, objects are moved slightly and partially, and each movement is photographed. Then all the photos are placed one after the other using special software to induce a sense of movement.
Motion graphics are made up of the two words "motion" and "graphics" and in a simple sense, is a graphic that has motion and uses the capabilities of both to convey the message. They generally do not use real images and use graphic design software such as Photoshop and Illustrator to design the graphics. Presenting the content in a graphic motion is more attractive to the audience due to the movement and sound.
Info motions are videos that use info graphic techniques to convey content. In fact, graphics and movement are used in such a way that the main info graphic techniques can be used to display the content.
Animations are videos that must have a specific character and a specific story, and often deal with the underlying narrative, psychological, emotional and philosophical layers of the characters and characters. Unlike motion graphics, they are character-driven. You may have seen the motions in the form of promotional videos and short films on virtual networks. Social media audiences generally prefer to follow attractive and different content. Therefore, motion has been widely used in different colors, personalities and spaces due to its attractiveness. Meanwhile, due to the increase in Internet speed in the world and the emergence of 4th and 4.5G Internet, as well as simultaneously increasing access and penetration and reducing the price of the Internet, video content has become more popular than before.

Motion graphics tools

There are also many plugins and other peripherals that can be used in this field.
Making motion graphics in info graphics
Before designing an info graphic, we will consider a detailed strategy for what you need in this marketing method.
This strategy, which is designed according to the goals, position, weaknesses and strengths and competitors of your business, will play an important role in optimal marketing.
Logo motion application
Now we want to know what the motion logo is and what it does for us. Motion logo is actually a trademark that can be in the form of writing, signs, symbols and other shapes. In other words, the motion logo is a symbol for your company and your business in general. One of the benefits of having a motion logo is that it builds people's trust in your work and profession. You ask how?
The answer is that having a logo for the company makes your people, audience and customers better remember your name and your products and services. Motion logos can be made in different sizes and formats.
The main purpose of making an animated logo or Logo Intro is to brand the company name with the animated logo of the company. The animated logo can introduce the company logo and symbol to the audience in a creative way by using computer programs and software. An animated logo is more effective than a motionless logo
Motion logo portfolio
Logo Motion is a popular marketing and brand identity asset for you.