
ERP, CRM loyalty Club

Loyalty Club and Loyalty Switch This company has a variety of platforms and facilities such as customer management, accreditation and rating system, customer identification and classification, agency management and marketing, etc.

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Website design and social media

Your site is your virtual building and office, so it's important how you build and display it. We present the best path in front of you.

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Design and build software and applications

If you are looking to build your own software, application or game, you can certainly implement it in the shortest time and at the lowest cost by consulting with us.

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Make smart

Today, with the advancement of technology and the importance of finance and energy, building intelligence is necessary and very important, and you can leave it to our fully professional team with ease.

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Animation and game making

Becoming a innovative, value-creating and creative company, which meets your needs in the shortest time and in the latest way, and you have the most satisfaction in your portfolio.

You can be sure that the best services will be provided to you with the least amount of services. We are always by your side to choose your way and enjoy your choice.

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Domestic and international marketing

The main goal of this company is the process of promoting companies as well as advancing the goals of organizations. This means that the marketing mix (in short: product, price, location, promotion) is designed to target domestic and international customers and is customized according to the preferences of compatriots as well as applicants from other countries.

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